REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN - February 23rd, 2024 - Saskatchewan Renewable Energy Solutions Inc. (SRES), a representative vessel for the marketing & sales of various premier and innovative clean energy systems in Canada who manages turn-key energy projects, and Advanced | P90 Energy Inc., a leading Canadian & Saskatchewan-Made Solar Energy manufacturing, sales, and installation firm comprised of veteran industry experts, are pleased to announce the formation of a strategic partnership aimed at collaboratively advancing renewable energy projects throughout the Prairie Provinces.
The formalized partnership will leverage the expertise and resources of both organizations to identify, develop, and execute renewable energy initiatives, with a primary focus on combining the benefits of solar energy systems, battery energy storage systems, and wastewater heat recovery systems.
Under the agreement, SRES will be responsible for assisting the business development, marketing, and sales of P90’s proprietary solar energy systems; the P90 | BENCH, ROOF, and TILT systems for new prospective projects, while proposing to include these systems in projects where SRES is implementing the battery energy storage systems (BESS), or the wastewater heat recovery systems they represent in the Province. Advanced | P90 Energy’s focus will be to encourage the implementation of SRES’s represented battery energy storage systems (BESS) and wastewater heat recovery systems into past projects that P90 has implemented where these solutions may be applicable, while engaging in business development to create new prospective opportunities where these systems can be implemented, alongside P90’s cutting-edge solar energy systems.
“Saskatchewan is one of, if not, the best location in Canada to utilize solar energy systems to produce clean electricity from the sun due to our superior solar irradiation” says Dimitri Kourles, Founder/CEO of Saskatchewan Renewable Energy Solutions Inc. “Advanced | P90 Energy’s systems are skillfully manufactured, very durable, built right here in Canada and Saskatchewan, and their expert team brings over 60 combined years of invaluable industry insight and experience. Their solar energy systems will undoubtedly prove to be beneficial for upcoming projects, along with the implementation of the wastewater heat recovery systems, and the battery energy storage systems we represent in Sask.”
“Our founders combined experience to create the P90 Energy brand, and our team's objective is straightforward. Design-Engineer, Manufacture, distribute and install solar systems that withstand our extreme Canadian weather” says Dwayne Snider, Principal of Advanced | P90 Energy Inc. “We recognize that BESS and waste water heat recovery systems are also essential methods of lowering clients' onsite power and energy requirements. We are excited to combine our skills and knowledge with Sask Renewables, as this collaboration will undoubtedly benefit clients wanting to lower their on-site power consumption and carbon emissions.”
About Saskatchewan Renewable Energy Solutions
Saskatchewan Renewable Energy Solutions is a Social Enterprise created to invest into the future of the Province and Canada, by helping achieve the collective goal of Net-Zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. They connect Canadian-Made clean energy technology and coordinate projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions & energy costs, to support various types of partners future-proof in Saskatchewan & the Prairies. The vision is to create a sustainable future for Saskatchewan, Canada, and the Nation's generations to follow by immersing a circular economy, and all three aspects of the Triple-Bottom-Line into projects.
About Advanced | P90 Energy
The P90 Energy team is an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) team that manufactures high-performing, high-durability P90 Solar Ground Mount equipment. We support the efficient use of all energy sources. As the global demand for electrical power increases, Canada and the world are transforming how the electricity mix is generated, distributed, and consumed. Our P90 Energy brand represents manufactured-in-Saskatchewan, direct-to-consumer, high-quality ground-mounted solar systems, which will help solve many of today's energy and emission reduction targets.